PhaseOut is a futuristic 2.5D platformer in which you play as a robot sent to gather data on a race of alien cyborgs who exist in multiple dimensions. This robot, outfitted with stolen alien technology, has the ability to switch dimensions or “phase-shift.” By using this capability, the player can help the robot escape pitfalls and avoid taking damage from enemies. See if you can collect the data cube and reach the teleporter in record time!
PhaseOut is the product of my second semester at DigiPen and is published here. (Scroll down until you see the download link.)
Over the course of a semester, three of my peers and myself created a fully featured game at a breakneck pace. I assisted Cale Scholl, the Technical Director, with core engine features and wrote the documentation for the engine. I worked closely with Jeremy Kings to develop a level editor that suited his needs as the primary game designer. I also repurposed the existing AI architecture and scripted the in-game tutorial cut scenes to demonstrate game play mechanics to the player. Finally, I wrote the installer using Inno and rigorously verified that technical requirements were met.
- Mike Myers – Producer, Graphics
- Cale Scholl – Technical Director, Graphics
- Jeremy Kings – Game Designer, Art, Audio, AI
- Jay Goldblatt – Tools, AI